Nextcloud Container


I needed a few other niceties for my own nextcloud instance, so I made a container based on the official Nextcloud container with them added. Initially I was adding just cron and dependencies for Collabora Built-In. I removed the cron aspect though as it was unreliable and interferred with the update process.


  • smbclient
  • imagick
  • php-ffi

How to handle cron

On the docker host write a bash script that uses the docker command to execute within the container.

# checks if the docker daemon is running
if [ -f "/var/run/" ]; then
    echo "Docker is running.... Checking on Nextcloud container"
    # checks if container with name Nextcloud and image tetricz/nextcloud is running
    if [ "$(docker ps -q -f name=Nextcloud | grep tetricz/nextcloud)" ]; then
        echo "Container is running. Executing cron"
        # executes cronjob with user www-data inside container
        docker exec -u www-data Nextcloud php cron.php
        echo "Container is not running."
    echo "Docker is not running..."

To access OCC

It is similar to the method used to handle cron.

docker exec -u www-data -it Nextcloud /var/www/html/occ

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